Kategoria: Data ScienceJSWeb Dev
Strona: Github Repo
This project is a simple Single Page Application (SPA) built with Vue.js (version 2). It allows users to search for books using the Open Library Search API. Additionally, the project includes functionality for interacting with an LLM model using OLLAMA to ask questions about the books. Books can be added to the wishlist in the local browser memory. Wishlist can be exported to a CSV file.
- Book Search: Users can search for books by author’s name, title, and ISBN.
- Search Results: Displayed in card format with the book’s author, title, cover, and publication year.
- Wishlist: Users can add books to a wishlist and view the wishlist on a separate page.
- Book Details: Each book card includes a „Details” button to show more information, including alternative author names if available.
- Caching Mechanism: Implemented to reduce the number of API requests and improve performance. Lazy loading for book covers
- Wishlist Export: Users can export their current wishlist to a spreadsheet.
- LLM Model Interaction: Users can ask questions about books using an LLM model, with prompts generated based on data from the Open Library search.
- LLM Model Interaction: Users can ask questions about books using an LLM model, with prompts generated based on data from the Open Library search.